(function() {
(function() {
Luv.Media = Luv.Class('Luv.Media', {
This module creates the media
object when you create a luv game. It's usually
instantiated by the Luv function.
var luv = Luv();
luv.media // this is the media object
The media object is an "asset manager". It keeps track of those assets (i.e. images) that load asynchronously, or can fail to load.
init: function() {
this.pending = 0;
this.loaded = true;
returns true
if all the assets have been loaded, false
if there are assets still being loaded.
Useful to wait actively until all assets are finished loading:
var luv = Luv();
var dogImage;
luv.load = function() {
dogImage = luv.graphics.Image('dog.png');
luv.draw = function() {
// wait until all images are loaded before drawing anything
if(!luv.media.isLoaded()) { return; }
luv.graphics.drawImage(dogImage, 100, 100);
isLoaded : function() { return this.loaded; },
Returns the numbers of assets that are loading, but not yet ready
getPending : function() { return this.pending; },
is an overridable callback.
It will be called once for each asset (Image, Sound, etc) that is loaded.
You may use it for things like displaing a "loaded percentage"
luv.media.onAssetLoaded = function(asset) {
assetsLoaded += 1;
onAssetLoaded: function(asset) {},
is an overridable callback that will be called when an asset can not be loaded (for example,
the path to an image does not exist)
By default, it throws an error
onAssetError : function(asset) { throw new Error("Could not load " + asset); },
is an overridable callback that will be called when the last pending asset is finished loading
you can use it instead of isLoaded
to control the game flow
onLoaded : function() {},
Pseudo-Internal function. Registers the asset in the media object.
newAsset : function(asset) {
this.loaded = false;
asset.status = "pending";
Pseudo-internal function. Assets that have been loaded successfully should call this function (this will trigger onAssetLoaded, etc)
registerLoad : function(asset) {
asset.status = "loaded";
if(this.pending === 0) {
var self = this;
this.onLoadedTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
self.loaded = true;
Pseudo-internal function. Assets that can't be loaded must invoke this method
registerError: function(asset) {
asset.status = "error";
Luv.Timer.ONLOAD_TIMEOUT = 200;
This just a method holding object, to be extended by specialized assets like Image or Sound. Usage:
See Luv.Graphics.Image
for an example.
Luv.Media.Asset = {
isPending: function() { return this.status == "pending"; },
isLoaded: function() { return this.status == "loaded"; },
isError: function() { return this.status == "error"; }