(function() {
(function() {
Luv.Graphics.Animation = Luv.Class('Luv.Graphics.Animation', {
only takes two params.
Althrough you can instantiate Animation directly, you will probably want to use Luv.Graphics.SpriteSheet.Animation. Like this:
var image = luv.graphics.Image('player.png'),
sheet = luv.graphics.SpriteSheet(image, 32,32);
anim = sheet.Animation([0,0, '0-5',1], 0.1);
But you can instantiate Animation directly if you want. It needs two parameters.
is an array of drawables (normally instances of Luv.Graphics.Sprite)
which will be sequentially updated as the animation rolls. Usually the output
of SpriteSheet.getSprites.durations
can be: init: function(sprites, durations) {
if(!Array.isArray(sprites)) {
throw new Error('Array of sprites needed. Got ' + sprites);
if(sprites.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No sprites where provided. Must provide at least one');
this.sprites = sprites.slice(0);
this.time = 0;
this.index = 0;
this.durations = parseDurations(sprites.length, durations);
this.intervals = calculateIntervals(this.durations);
this.loopDuration = this.intervals[this.intervals.length - 1];
changes the internal counters of the animation, and updates the current
sprite accordingly to the time that has passed.
update: function(dt) {
var loops;
this.time += dt;
loops = Math.floor(this.time / this.loopDuration);
this.time -= this.loopDuration * loops;
if(loops !== 0) { this.onLoopEnded(loops); }
this.index = findSpriteIndexByTime(this.intervals, this.time);
resets the animation to the sprite specified by newSpriteIndex
(an integer)
gotoSprite: function(newSpriteIndex) {
this.index = newSpriteIndex;
this.time = this.intervals[newSpriteIndex];
returns the sprite currently being shown by the animation.
getCurrentSprite: function() {
return this.sprites[this.index];
is invoked every time an animation loop ends. It can be reset and used for controlling purposes.
onLoopEnded: function(how_many) {}
These methods are delegated to the current animation sprite
"getWidth getHeight getDimensions getCenter drawInCanvas".split(" ").forEach(function(method) {
Luv.Graphics.Animation.methods[method] = function() {
var sprite = this.getCurrentSprite();
return sprite[method].apply(sprite, arguments);
private function. It transforms the durations table into an intervals table, for faster searches
var calculateIntervals = function(durations) {
var result = [0],
time = 0;
for(var i=0; i<durations.length; i++) {
time += durations[i];
return result;
private function. Given a time, it returns the index of the sprite which should be used to represent it.
var findSpriteIndexByTime = function(frames, time) {
var high = frames.length - 2,
low = 0,
i = 0;
while (low <= high) {
i = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
if (time >= frames[i+1]) { low = i + 1; continue; }
if (time < frames[i]) { high = i - 1; continue; }
return i;
Parses the durations param and transforms it into a simple numbers array.
var parseDurations = function(length, durations) {
var result=[], r, i, range, value;
if(Array.isArray(durations)) {
result = durations.slice(0);
} else if(typeof durations == "object") {
result.length = length;
for(r in durations) {
if(durations.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
range = parseRange(r);
value = Number(durations[r]);
for(i=0; i<range.length; i++) {
result[range[i]] = value;
} else {
durations = Number(durations);
for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
if(result.length != length) {
throw new Error('The durations table length should be ' + length +
', but it is ' + result.length);
for(i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
if(typeof result[i] === "undefined") { throw new Error('Missing delay for sprite ' + i); }
if(isNaN(result[i])) { throw new Error('Could not parse the delay for sprite ' + i); }
return result;
Given the string '1-5', return the array [1,2,3,4,5]
var parseRange = function(r) {
var match, result, start, end, i;
if(typeof r != "string") {
throw new Error("Unknown range type (must be integer or string in the form 'start-end'): " + r);
match = r.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/);
if(match) {
result = [];
start = Number(match[1]);
end = Number(match[2]);
if(start < end) {
for(i=start; i<=end; i++) { result.push(i); }
} else {
for(i=start; i>=end; i--) { result.push(i); }
} else {
result = [Number(r)];
return result;